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America the Great: A Beer and Hot Dog Fourth of July

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Good Sh*t Cornershop

We love beer. We love hot dogs. We love fireworks.

Put them together.

What do you get?

 A fantastically joyful 4th of July in the good ‘ol red-white-and-blue!

Worried about what this type of diet might mean?

Here’s The Breakdown of the findings of a 2016 study on what beer people like:

Study Population: 1653 people = 20-77 years-old

Beer Lovers: 13%

Beer Love = Meat Love = Bread Love = Salad Hate

Beer Belly Phenomenon: “Inconclusive”

Basically, if you really love beer, then you might really love hot dogs and salads don’t spark your appetite. Also, the beer causing a possible beer belly was not found in this cohort. Maybe it’s the bread?


They also found that wine drinkers tend to be older upper-class educated women.

Sluik D, Brouwer-Brolsma EM, de Vries JH, Geelen A, Feskens EJ (2016) Associations of alcoholic beverage preference with cardiometabolic and lifestyle factors: the NQplus study. BMJ Open. 6 (6):e010437. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010437.

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