$cience Dictionary


Forget Oxford, we’ve redefined…

This is a dictionary compiled by Dr. K that expresses her unique lexicon. This is used throughout here work to communicate Science etc. in a fresh and accessible way.

If you don’t get it, then you’re probably a geek who needs to find somewhere else to hang out.


Biter (noun) =

Someone who can’t come up with their own ideas, style, product, so they steal someone else’s.

Dope (adjective) =

Something that is ultra-awesome not related to drugs.

Geek (noun) =

A person who is the uncoolest creature because he/she/they doesn’t know how to respect boundaries or get out of his/her/their self-created sh-thole.

Goofidity (adjective) =

Someone’s actions that are so beyond goofy, that it’s stupid; goofy + stupidity.

Goofus (noun) =

Goof + doofus

Homie (noun)=

Friend, acquaintance, hood peep.

Hood (noun) =


Lab (noun) =

Any place where $cientists do their thing. Place = laboratory, cubicle, home office, design studio, recording studio, production studio, etc. Their thing = experimenting and innovating with science, music, art, fashion, writing.

Nerd (NOUN) =

Cool peeps with a mix of street and book smarts.

Nerdi-Cu$ (noun) =

A super nerd in the dopest way possible.

Next-Gen $TEMmer (noun) =

A person who is the next generation of STEM.

Original $cientist (noun) =

A $cientist who originated, created, and innovated something in their field.

Peeps (noun) =

My peoples! Friends and/or community members.

$ =

Adding value to a person, place, or thing that is not monetary.

Schooled (verb) (var. $kooled) =

Educating or being educated by someone on anything.

$cience (noun) =

The hustle of the brains and hands to methodically inquire about the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment


$cientist (noun) =

A Scientist taking their Science to the next level.

STEMmer (noun) (var. $TEMmer) =

A person who is in STEM. They are a $TEMmer if they are taking it to the next level of excellence.

STEMming (noun) (var. $TEMming) =

The act of doing STEM or $TEM.