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AIDS: The Ones We've Lost

(Clockwise L-R) Mercury, Haring, Rubell, Reed, Eazy-E, Carangi, Ellis, Perkins, Ashe, Kuti, Shenar, Fogerty, Blake, Halston, Nureyev


Acquired = obtained

ImmunoDeficiency = failing of the immune system

Syndrome = affliction

HIV does not discriminate on what type of human to make its host. It’s a viral entity that leaves its victim without an operable defense system. The world has lost many to AIDS: Musicians, actors, fashionistas, uncles, daughters, brothers, and an immeasurable number of others. These lives may have been infected with one of the deadliest viruses of our time by intravenous drug use, unprotected sex, or blood transfusion. Here are a few greatly missed earthlings who succumbed to AIDS.

Arthur Ashe: Tennis Champion

Amanda Blake: Actress (Miss Kitty Russell on Gunsmoke)

Gia Carangi: Model

Eazy-E (Eric Wright): Musician (Founding member of N.W.A.)

Perry Ellis: Designer

Tom Fogerty: Musician (Founding member of Creedence Clearwater Revival)

Roy Halston: Designer

Keith Haring: Artist

Fela Kuti: Musician

Freddie Mercury: Musician (Front man of Queen)

Rudolph Nureyev: Ballet Dancer

Anthony Perkins: Actor (Norman Bates in Psycho)

Robert Reed: Actor (Michael Brady on The Brady Bunch)

Steve Rubell: Entrepreneur (Co-Founder of Studio 54)

Paul Shenar: Actor (Alejandro Sosa in Scarface)   

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