Moving Energy: Why Your Workout Fails and How To Recover
Exercising. Where’s the app that moves for you?
Physical fitness goals set at the beginning of the year become a distant memory by Spring. But, the 4th month of the year is a critical time to sustain and revisit those intentions. Reevaluate what is working and what is not your thing.
Forty days into the new year, people tend to quit exercising due to boredom, scheduling or demand. Spring is an in-between time. We are leaving the dark, cold, gloomy Winter and awaiting bright, hot, sunny Summer. In Spring we live in a mixed climate, which tends to aggravate congestion. That congestion can be combated with movement.
Unfortunately, we no longer have an impending need to move. WFH, transportation and apps that deliver everything to our front door have diminished movement to do our work, get our food, and finish our errands. Regular workouts are also made difficult with trends that do not fit our distinct characteristics or energies. HIIT isn’t for everyone nor is Hatha yoga.
Exercising for your dosha is key in accomplishing movement requirements that reach beyond fitness goals.
A Note of Value
Soon we’ll be living in Summer and that usually coincides with thoughts on having to get in shape for swim season.
We at The BKDWN do not advocate for special emphasis placed on seasonal trim downs. A lot of people are concerned about it, it is an ongoing thing and has been forever. Ayurveda is a personalized approach with an appreciation for all body types and shapes. The point is prevention and moving our bodies within our constitution.
Remember when George Costanza became opposite George? He found that doing the opposite of what he was inclined to do worked better and led him to success. That's how it works when exercising for your dosha.
Kapha energy is prone to sluggishness, slow digestion, slow metabolism and water retention. This means getting up early takes effort and unintended weight gain is easy. The balancing factor is that endurance is high. Long-distance running, anyone? Sweating through a high-intensity cardio workout is the way to go even though a leisurely walk may seem more alluring. Kapha loves companionship, so make workout friends or go to group classes. Soul cycle may be favorable given its intensity and motivation-driven model. Fast-paced Surya Namaskar is another lovely option to get going in the morning.
$cientific Tidbit: The gut microbe Prevotella copri is linked to the metabolism of carbs and fats through a low fat and high fiber of a non-western diet. It has been detected at higher levels in people who cycle and women with Kapha profiles.
Pitta is inclined to go hard at tough workouts like kickboxing or competitive running. With so much energy, what else is Pitta supposed to do? Though it can fuel that innate fire which tends to overheat and turn to anger, intense workouts can also be the best release. Though self-starters and in no need of motivation, Pitta can’t last long and are prone to burn out. HIIT workouts with a brimming water bottle are perfect for this medium build dosha.
Vata is dry and cold. They are also prone to fatigue, so going hard like Pitta and Kapha will discourage consistency. Vata dosha does not gain weight easily and movement agitates them. But, they need to get the edge off with some type of movement. Schedules and constancy are what Vata needs to avoid imbalance, so committing to an online or in-person class is a viable option. Low-impact options like barre, slow-paced yoga and walking are ideal. Jamie Kinkeade also has fun 20-minute walk-dance workouts on YouTube.
$cientific Tidbit: Science has found that anxious people like Vata’s tend to feel cold more than those who are not. Ironically, brown fat mitochondria are supposed to fuel metabolism and goes into effect when cold. This is why some pro-anti-aging experts starve themselves to put the system into overdrive*.
Bottom Line
If you found that the fitness goals you set in January are no longer a priority, figuring out which doshic exercise matches your personal profile can help reignite those intentions. Though one or two of these doshas may not be leading, they are still present. This is because the body would like to reach homeostasis within their parameters. Someone with all three doshas in balance is ideal. It is also very rare. Some days a Pitta-Vata can feel a bit of Kapha slowness. It is fine. Just go for a walk. The workout of a stroll is highly underrated.
Sweating every morning to clear potential toxin build-up is ideal, whether a little perspiration or a major drip session. Our skin is the largest organ that works to get rid of stuff through its pores. So use it!
Finding the so-called Right One takes more than a swipe and a list of objectives. No love story is as epic as Ram and Sita’s. Not every couple is as swoon-worthy as Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Dali and Gala remain surreal status symbols- dream couple, indeed. Have you become lethargic about love? From soulmate to twin flame, we either complement each other or are a Mary-Kate and Ashley oddity. Both really depend on one word.