On Vata Ground: Sweeping Through Fall and Winter
From foliage color changes of autumn to chilly winds and grey skies of winter, Vata energy abounds. These seasons have no need for speed. Rather, anti-anxiety grounding elements for the body and mind.
The dehydrating weather and interior heater-induced extremes unleash on the skin and gut-brain axis (GBA). Vata-prone lovelies are lucky that their antagonizing seasons are filled with joyful celebrations. Fall foliage tours, giving thanks and the happiest holidays provide sangfroid and stability.
Dosha Dressing during Vata Fall and Winter embraces warmth and serenity.
Disease- dry skin, attention deficits (ADHD)
Overindulgence- art, television
Mind- fast learner, creative, indecisive
Dress the Part
Deep, rich hues in the purple and wine range are perfect for grounding during airy seasons. A long dress paired with tall boots add warmth, height and comfort. Pair with a fluffy coat and long gloves for busy Fall-Winter festivities.
Wool and Silk Dress in Caret
Faux Fur Coat in Aubergine
Séverine Leather Gloves in Noir
Lambskin High Boots in Noir
Beauty Habit
Vata skin is thin, dry and wrinkle-prone. A nourishing cream adds comfort and addresses weather-worn skin. Augustinu’s Bader’s The Rich Cream is perfect for overnight wear when sleeping with the heater on. Adding plum makeup complements deep set eyes.
The olfactory system communicates the the limbic system to address insomnia, worry and attention. Calm, warming oils relieve anxiety. Le Labo’s small Neroli applied to the inner wrists alleviate midday meltdowns. Take deep breaths as needed.
The Rich Cream 15ml
Stylo in Rouge Noir
Neroli 15ml
Living it
Stabilizing emotion and learning through the limbic system is achieved through hippocampal stimulation, olfaction, daily activity and .
Vata imposes a sensitivity to anxiety and overstimulation. These characteristics can manifest in several ways. Speech and communication is fundamental to overcoming daily fears like social anxiety. Anything from a works-in-progress presentation to a party conversation can be distressing. People often suffer from psychogenic aphonia due to fear. Because Vata’s ether and air energies lie in the throat and heart, respectively, mantras for those areas support human connection. Ham and Yam can be repeated for about 1 minute each to release aversion to sociableness and improve cogent thought.
Planning is non-negotiable for Vata. Schedule structured low impact workouts that include soft movements like Hatha yoga, walks and ballet. Add a minute or 9 breaths of alternate nostril breathing to enhance focus and lower hyperactive adrenals.
Eat with compassion. Drop the potato chips and add some roasted garlic to a baked sweet potato. Oatmeal and blueberry pancakes in the morning sharpen flighty minds. Skip or ease up on coffee drinks because they increase HPA-axis activity, which means more anxiety. Hot teas like fresh ginger, chamomile and mint boost digestion.
As a creative and art-lover, Vata has fun at art museums. Anything from Picasso’s to Manet’s and Cindy Sherman stimulate Vata’s imagination. Instead of daydreaming about being a great artist, put charcoals to canvas. Better yet, escape the mind on paper. Writing reveals intentions and phobias. Add in a fireplace and Fall and Winter is set.