The Super Girl Next Door

In a world inundated by influencers, every one seems to be looking for some version of unattainable perfection to follow. Around 30 years ago, our influencers were supermodels. Everyone wanted to be them. Or date them.

No supermodel story can be told without Cindy C.

Crawford, of course.

The Original Scientist, literally, of the smart girl who was always an entity beyond her looks. From full bouncy hair to business aptitude. This real life Barbie could really do anything.

Crawford admitted that she wasn’t perfect in one of her 90’s interviews. From cellulite to a divorce, this supermodel injects honesty and effort into her storied life. The only reason she was a STEM dropout was because she could. Options. She got in to one of the top school’s in the world because someone said she couldn’t be a physicist… because she was pretty and a girl. Through calculated decisions and trusting her instincts, this girl from DeKalb formulated an equation to success.

Scientific Tidbit: Nostalgia implicates the hippocampus due to its regulation of memory, the prefrontal and cingulate cortices due to their function in self-reflection and emotions.

This is what she inadvertently taught the world.

  1. Regular girls win. Because they are often extraordinary. The secret is that they do not need to show it off or keep rambling about it. They just are. CC was never egotistical because she knew who and what she was.

  2. Time is respect. Respect for your and other’s time. Ever know those people who pretend to be blasé by impeding on other people’s time? CC made it a point to be on time to assignments. This was not nerdy, it gained respect in professional relationships.

  3. Reading is the better choice. Instead of gossiping or sitting idly, CC read while in the makeup or hair chair. Not just to avoid conversation, but to stay focused. Our virtual social days are getting longer, so a good book is always in need.

  4. V is for velcro. Big hair dreams turn to reality.  We are seeing a lot more hair loss in women today, so this is a gentler method: air dry to a point, roll up in sections, spritz with a bit of holder, read, do nails, let them loose before heading out.

  5. Speaking is effective. CC was always well-spoken. There is no surprise that she was valedictorian of her high school graduating class. She had an inviting level of confidence, was direct and charming. That is not an easy combination to achieve.

  6. Loner-ism is essential. CC stated that she hung out on her own when the other supermodels (the lovely Naomi, Christy and Linda) were out and about. Signifying that it is okay to be part of the in-crown, but not part of the group like an organ. She did reflect that she wished she hung out more, but her organic strategy seems to have worked out.

  7. Business can be mixed. She really knew how to diversify her portfolio by using what she knew and her strengths. Her ventures befitted her life stages from fitness videos to furniture, then on to anti-aging beauty products.

Apple TV will start streaming The Super Models on September 20, 2023.