Dive Into The Simple Life: 5 Ways To A Cool Summer
As summer approaches, we think of time away from the desk, picturesque destinations and Audrey Hepburn-worthy outfits.
Then reality hits like a broken AC.
In Hitchcock’s Rear Window, a couple finds sleeping on the fire escape more cooling than in their apartment. If properly detoxed and cooled, Pitta heat will be prepared for Summer extremes.
The soupy humidity, flash thunderstorms and prolonged July heatwaves make us dream of cool Fall breezes.
The heat of Pitta season transcends the air, our bodies and minds. The energetics of this dosha lives in everyone, even the coolest Kapha. The beauty is to enjoy the fire like an evening on the beach. The challenge is avoiding a full-on brush fire.
In What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, Blanch lays near death on the hot sunny beach with her sister Jane. Jane’s ire and Blanch’s jealously, both Pitta characteristics, led to their demise.
The $cience
Keep from getting too hot under the collar with a few of life’s simplicities.
I Work Out Not Burn Out
Change up your workout to low-intensity. Though a pain for high-energy competitive Pitta types, they can avoid aggravation of the body and mind by easing up on vigorous workouts. Also find time in the cooler early morning or evening. Bike rides by the beach or through the park, walking in a botanical garden or museum are more relaxing than going hard at Soul Cycle. Moonlight swims are also choice during this time. An alternate to the beach is out in the mountains like the Adirondacks.
Our EIC bikes through Montauk to cool off and exercise lightly. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
II Temper that Temper
Frank Sinatra as Tony Rome loves his martini’s and temper.
Anger and alcohol damage the liver. It is best to avoid these during the Summer for Pittas. It is super important to eat light or refrain if angry. Blood flow helps digestion of food and emotion, but cannot do so if it is diverted from the GI to fighting mode (extremities). Letting go, not being in control of every single thing, can benefit Pitta a ton more than popping herbs. Whatever you do, don’t get hangry. A starving Pitta will burn you more than a sun flare. Choose those bitters wisely- kale salad over angostura. Herbal drinks like chilled hibiscus tea and infused non-alcoholic drinks are also cooling to the system.
The Crunchy Kale Salad from Round Swamp Farm includes bitter greens like kale to cool the seat of heat- the liver. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
The Petite Rose by Wolffer is a non-alcoholic juice that takes the place of wine on days when tempers flare. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
III Feel The Orbit
Step outside to watch the sun rise and set. It is a reminder that we revolve around our star, it does not revolve around us. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
Enjoy the sunrise and sunset. While solar energy is at their core, Pitta has a huge issue with control. So, take advantage of Summer relaxation to let go of control. Don't overschedule, overthink, or overdo. At work, Pitta keeps at it like tomorrow will not come, so it is essential to take a break. Get up and stretch, look through the window at the gorgeous sky, or go for a walk. If Einstein took a break to play the violin and go sailing, it’s surely no problem for you.
Even better, watch it set over local waters. The colors are instantly soothing. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
The full moon over the Atlantic is particularly cooling to heat-driven Pitta. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
IV Just Breathe
Gillian tries yoga on the beach in For Those Who Think Young.
Whatever you are up to, take time to breathe. Inhale coolness and exhale heat with sheetali pranayama. This technique allows internal heat to cool through the mouth and release heat through the nasal cavity. A 2019 study with a group of 17 college males detected an increase in exterior body temperature during nearly 20 minutes of sheetali breathing for 4 days. However, the practice of sheetali has been in place for over a thousand years, is recommended for about a minute (around 9 breaths) and to practice over many years. Importantly, the study was conducted with around 2 hours after meals. This interferes with the practice of yogic breathing on an empty stomach, which takes about 3 hours after a meal. Be uber nerdicus this Summer by experimenting with it and sharing your results. Or try one of the best things for all seasons- just shut up and sit quietly. It is also important to pint out that the sense of cool with this technique provides a sense of coolness through the neurorespiratory system.
Pranayama by Mika Tajima at Hill Art Foundation in NYC. Sitting in silence with observation to breathing rhythm is as beneficial as cooling breathes like sheetali. (Image: AKJAM Publishing)
V Add A Little smoke
In Black Narcissus, a violet concoction is made with local herbs.
Adding incense to morning and evening routines refreshes spaces and moods. Shoyeido makes lovely jasmine, rose and cherry blossom scents. These also have sandalwood, which is cooling and relieves anger. Jasmine odor from tea decreases heart rate. Heart rate can be sped up by anger due to the flight or fight response. Fresh roses in pink or white are also light.
ISSUE 06 2024