Wear What Where Lab $tyle Edition 2: What's a $cientist To-do in May?
Seasons change, moods transform, so let us revamp our outfits to reflect our seasonal awareness. Pitta needs to cool down her mind and body after a sultry Summer. Vata and Kapha get to embrace these cooler seasons. Head-to-toe beige, blue and grey speak volumes about personal energetics taking over a fresh time of year.
Let us prevent soars in cortisol with easy dosha dressing for Summer escapes to the Hamptons.
$cientific Tidbits
Sound like an extraterrestrial in an Armageddon-esque flick?
Popping non-EtOH bubbles and shining bright. No doubt, dressing up adds cheeriness. Not only for the person who dresses up, but also for the people around us. A lot of people find it inspiring. Infectious, even. Is a Fashionable $cience droplet not preferable to an influenza infection? This NYE, we take monochromatic looks out for a night on the town. Or maybe don our shiniest attire for a glitzy night in marathoning with Jacques Tati. After all, personal energy, or doshic constitution, stimulates feelings of luxury.